Friday, August 7, 2009

I have a hater and I'm calling her out!!!!

First I want to congratulate Ms. Maisha Coleman. Mrs. Coleman is a young African American writer whose book, Secret Society, was turned into a stage play and is hitting the national circuit.It kicked off today (August 7th) here in Atlanta.

Its 11:30 Friday Night and I dozed off watching HGTV but my DVR was scheduled to record my favorite show The Game on UPN so while I was sleeping the DVR switched the channel to record the show, I'm going threw all of this to share with you guys how God works. The Game is followed by Judge Mathis and then The Frank and Wanda show (for all you non-ATLiens Frank and Wanda are the morning show personalities, the morning show is aired on TV at night. Anyway as I'm watching I see a young women I peep her style and joke to my son that she looks like mommy(he's only 8 months so he just gave me a blank stare LOL). Just then they start to interview her she states her name it sounds familiar so I'm trying to recall where I know her from. She talking about her book Secret Society, which I own. Turns out her book is being turned into a stage play Immediately I think "good for her!" Then I think back to all the unfinished manuscripts, business I.D., etc that I have and how I've said (only to my BFF) for years that I wanted to write a book. So here's the question "why haven't I?" Goes back to the post from yesterday, FEAR. Here's my Epiphany, here is a girl that is my exact age, build, complexion, Hell, we had our hair in the same exact style! So what makes her different from me? She did it and I've been paralyzed by fear. Here's another revelation, The devil is busy and he will screw with your mind by making you a hater and you hate the hardest against yourself. Ever told yourself that your not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, light enough, tall enough (insert your particular issue). Doesn't that sound like a hater?

Don't get my wrong I'm sitting around looking at everyone else's life and pouting about my own. But I realize that I will never reach my full potential if I don't self-analyze. I have unfulfilled desires, untapped talents. Steve Harvey once said that it is sinful for God to give you a gift (i.e. whatever your passionate about) and you not to use. He said that it displays a lack of faith. Add this to the message I received on Wednesday at Church which was "Are you being a good Stewardness " which basically means how are you using the talents and/or resources that God has blessed you with. I am very happy for Maisha and I wish her well. She inspired me, today!

Now, the question. What am I going to do next?

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